Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reference #000000

So, if you've ever visited a Volusion site for very long (or have worked in the back office much), you're quite familiar with the white Volusion error screen. Basically, think of a white screen with info in a box that attempts to tell you the source of the error. Typically, there is also an eight-digit error number associated with the error, so you can call Support, give them the error code and have them provide the solution (which is usually some form of, "Duh, I don't know").

So, earlier today, I was processing an order, which entails changing values in about a dozen fields in the Process Orders page.  After completing the processing, I tried to change the status to "Pending Shipment," and got one of these ubiquitous errors. I went back and tried three times to get past the error, but basically it meant I had to close my browser and start over.

Worse yet, the error code that appeared in the error screen was the ever-present Reference #000000. This is Volusion's way of throwing up it's hands when it encounters an error and "running home to mama."

After a lot of research, I think I can be of some help to other people who are saddled with having to use Volusion.  I believe I've found the source of the problematic Reference #000000. I've narrowed it down to two possible reasons for the error:
1.  I breathed at some point while using Volusion.
2.  I blinked at some point while using Volusion.
I'm finding that if I don't breathe or blink when using Volusion, it seems to work flawlessly.

Glad I could be of help.

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