Today, let's explore reason #847 of why Volusion sucks.
Volusion has a support ticket system that allows the Volusion user to follow along with support issues as they are theoretically addressed. I say "theoretically" because most of the time the answer is either that they cannot duplicate the issue, or that it needs to be submitted as a request.
However, today's annoyance is a completely different animal, and that is of the functionality of the ticket function itself. Let me explain by use of an actual example that has happened many times.
I placed a call to Volusion Priority Support to discuss a speed issue specific to product searches. The newbie agent (aren't they all?) was unable to answer my questions, so I was treated to more of the wonderful Volusion on-hold music while they discussed the problem with their most experienced support supervisor (who just was hired last week). When the agent returned, they told me that they would have to fill out a support ticket and have someone in the engineering team take a look at the problem, and ended the call.
About 30 minutes later, I went to My Volusion to check on the status of the ticket. I logged in using my credentials, and clicked on the open ticket. Here is what I received back in response:
How the f*#k can I have an invalid ticket number when I just saw the exact ticket that the agent created for me from my phone call.
It turns out that there are four people with administrative access to our Volusion back office and also to the ticketing system, and the agent merely picks one when creating the ticket. In order to view the ticket, only the login assigned to the ticket can access the ticket.
So, I now have to keep track of four different login profiles (for the four administrators) to be able to view any specific ticket, even though EVERY G-D TICKET FOR OUR COMPANY is listed in my profile.
Where does Volusion find these people who design their systems? Are they deliberately trying to f*#k it up? There's no way they can be this consistently inept otherwise.
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